The last two weeks of school have been jammed packed with events for all!
May 14th
The Middle School Student Council made a donation to Ashten’s Compassion, helping to improve the lives of kids in Grayson County.
May 7th
Tropical Tuesday-The Middle School Student Council hosted a clothing drive for Katharos Love and raised money for art supplies for students in Ghana, Africa
May 7th & 8th
Kindergarten did a Nature Walk around the School and Zoey the Therapy Dog came to school today and let the Kinders read to her!
May 7th
First Grade Field Trip to Safety Town. They learned about car safety, pedestrian safety and got to drive jeeps to practice their newly learned skills!
May 7th
Athletic Banquet
May 5th
Congratulations to our TCS Lady Eagles! TAPPS Track & Field State Runner Up! We are proud of you!
Kelley, Reagan
May 5th
Congrats to Reagan Kelley for being named for the Girls All Texomaland Powerlifting Team!
GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS: Texoma Christian School graduation requirements exceed the guidelines set forth by the Texas Education Agency for awarding the Distinguished Achievement Diploma.
Dual Credit Course Offerings: English III/Composition, English IV/British Literature, US History, Government, Economics, 5th year Mathematics.
Honors Level Course Offerings: English I, II, Spanish III, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Anatomy and Physiology, Geometry, Algebra II, and Pre-Calculus.
GRADING SCALE: Texoma Christian School employs the following 4 point grading scale:
Percentage Letter Grade GPA points
90-100 % A 4.0
80-89 % B 3.0
70-79 % C 2.0
69 & below F 0.0
GRADE POINT AVERAGE: The grade point average is a four-point system based upon the national standard as defined and calculated by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), as defined above. All high school coursework is included in the GPA calculation. In addition, Honors (H) classes earn an additional 0.5 GPA points, and courses classified as Dual Credit (DC*) earn 1.0 additional GPA points. These extra points are included only in weighted GPA and class rank calculations.
NON-RANKING POLICY: It is our Policy to rank numerically only the top ten percent of students and not to rank the remainder of the class, due to small class size (SENIOR CLASS of 2023 SIZE: 14). Rank, when provided is calculated based on weighted grades.
COURSE CREDIT: Course credit is determined by successful completion of all coursework. One full credit is awarded for successful completion of a class that normally meets no less than 200 minutes per week for two full semesters. One half credit is awarded for successful completion of one semester of a full credit course and of single-semester courses.
COLLEGE ACCEPTANCES: Since our first graduating class in 2005, our graduates have been accepted at the following four-year Universities and Colleges:
Abilene Christian University, American University, Angelo State University, Arkansas Central Baptist College, Auburn University, Austin College, Belmont University, Bethany College, Baylor University, Baylor School of Law, Champions Christian College, Covenant College, Cumberland School of Law, Dallas Baptist University, Davidson College, Duke University, East Central Oklahoma University, Evangel University, Friends University, Fort Lewis College, Georgetown University, Grand Canyon University, Hardin Simmons University, Harding University, Hendrix College , John Brown University, Kansas State University, Lee University, Le Tourneau University, Liberty University, Louisiana State University, Lubbock Christian University, Midwestern State University, Mary Hardin Baylor University, Millsaps College, Northeastern State University, Oklahoma Baptist University, Oklahoma Christian University, Oklahoma State University, Oklahoma Wesleyan University, Oral Roberts University, Ouachita Baptist University, Rhodes College, Samford University, Saint Louis University, Sewanee -The University of the South, Savannah College of Art & Design, Southeastern Oklahoma State University, Southern Adventist University, Southern Methodist University, Southwestern Assembly of God University, Stephen F. Austin University, Tarleton State University, Texas A & M University/College Station, Texas A & M University at Commerce, Texas Christian University, Texas State Technical College, Texas Tech University, Texas Woman’s University, Texas State University, University of Arkansas, University of Dallas, University of Denver, University of Evansville, University of Louisiana/Lafayette, University of Mary Hardin-Baylor, University of North Texas, University of Oklahoma, University of Puget Sound, University of Redlands, University of Texas School of Law, University of Texas at Austin, University of Texas at Dallas, Arlington and Tyler, University of Tulsa, Vanderbilt University, Webster University, Wheaton College, Wofford College, York College