Prime Time

Prime Time Program

We’re pleased to offer an after-school care program for our busy families, allowing their children to remain in a safe and familiar environment all day. Beginning with early drop off available at 7:30 am and  runs until 5:30 p.m. daily and is available at an additional cost. Students who participate will move to another classroom at the end of their school day to enjoy a snack, crafts, and outdoor play.


Programs Available:


Pre-Kindergarten 3 & 4 year olds  *   Kindergarten and 1st Grade  *  Grades 2-4


(No Prime Time on Early Release Days)

Our Prime Time Programs offers a safe environment for fun Hands on Learning and is packed full of organized educational activities, games, art and crafts, STEM Learning, Outside Play, plus Homework time and Snacks.




Registration for 2024-2025 School year will open for new enrollment March 1, 2024.



Brockelman, Jennifer

Jennifer Brocklemann

K-12 Admissions

  903-893-7076 ext 8221

Now Hiring!!

Call the Front Office for details!

Brown, Wesley

          Wes Brown

               Grades 2nd-4th