SAT/ACT: College Entrance Tests

Register for the ACT –

Register for the SAT –

How do the SAT/ACT compare:


College Entrance Testing Guidelines

  1. When should I test?
    1. Test in December or early in the spring of junior year and once again early in the senior year.
  2. Why test during the junior year?
    1. You will need a qualifying college entrance score by May of junior year, to be considered for dual credit enrollment senior year.
    2. This gives you an opportunity and time to retest at a later date to potentially increase your scores.
  3. Which one should I take?
    1. Take both tests.  They are different in nature and some students tend to score  higher on one than the other.
  4. Will it hurt me if I score poorly on a set of tests?
    1. Colleges will look for and use your best scores and will not penalize you for lower scores.
  5. How many times should I test?
    1. The SAT and ACT organizations recommend testing twice.  Their research shows an average increase in scores the second time students test but generally a decrease in scores for a third time.





Fee waivers are available for those who qualify (2 per high school career). For Fee Waiver Eligibility guidelines:



Understanding scores…

College Readiness Benchmarks

The benchmarks are scores that represent the level of achievement required for students to have a 50% chance of obtaining a B or higher or about a 75% chance of obtaining a C or higher in corresponding credit-bearing first year college courses.  This information is based on years of research on College student achievement.


ACT                                         SAT

English  18                            Evidence Based Reading and Writing  480

Math      22                            Math                    530

Reading 21

Science 24


Students who meet the college readiness benchmark are more likely to:


• Earn a higher first year GPA, on average (3.12 vs. 2.57); and

• Be retained for their second and third year



Register for the SAT –

The College Board is a non-profit organization dedicated to connecting Colleges and Students.  They own the SAT and the PSAT offering free preparation activities and practice tests.  On this web site you may also conduct college, scholarship and career searches.  This also the site where you can register for the SAT online.  Note:  At TCS, your counselor will register all 9th, 10th & 11th graders for the PSAT, administered every Fall.


Fee waivers are available for those who qualify (2 per high school career).  See counselor for waiver.  See link for eligibility


For SAT Subject Test info:



Register for the ACT –

This is the offical site for the ACT college entrance test.

Fee waivers are available for those who qualify, For ACT go to; if you qualify please contact the counselor.



TSI (Texas Success Incentive) Test

These tests are commonly used for entrance to two year community colleges and for dual credit students.

Test Location:  GCC Main Campus – Denison, (Test administered regularly)

Questions call GCC testing office (903) 463-8724.

To register go to:  click on the “Testing” link



Test Preps

FREE Personalized SAT Study Plan:

All TCS students (9-11) take the PSAT in the fall of each year.  As a result; these students have access to a Free personalized SAT study plan based on their PSAT scores.  Here are the steps:


  • Click on this Collegeboard link
  • Enter the access code from your PSAT results (if you did not keep your copy, the school counselor retained a copy in your file)


FREE SAT and ACT Practice Tests:


FREE Test Preps

  • ACT prep:
  • Revolution Prep:
    • Here you will enter Texoma Christian School in the search bar and locate FREE practice tests. After completion, students and their parents receive a FREE 30-minute one-on-one session to review the scores!


Good Test Preps for a Fee:


Kranse Institute

Princeton Review:



Karen Dillard:

Test Prep:

Kathy Howard

TCS Guidance Counselor

(903) 893-7076 ext. 205

   fax (903) 891-8486

TCS School CEEB Code:  446-499