College Entrance Test Prep

College Entrance Test Preparation Resources


FREE Personalized SAT Study Plan:

All TCS students (9-11) take the PSAT in the fall of each year.  As a result; these students have access to a Free personalized SAT study plan based on their PSAT scores.  Here are the steps:

  • Click on this Collegeboard link
  • Enter the access code from your PSAT results (if you did not keep your copy, the school counselor retained a copy in your file)


FREE SAT and ACT Practice Tests:


Good Test Preps for a Fee:

Kranse Institute

Princeton Review:


Karen Dillard:

Test Prep:


Free apps and games…


Check out this list of the five best FREE apps for SAT and ACT test prep!

Best Apps


Website games and practice:


Kathy Howard

TCS Guidance Counselor

(903) 893-7076 ext. 205

   fax (903) 891-8486

TCS School CEEB Code:  446-499