Learning Differences Resources

Child Find

Child Find is a continuous process of public awareness activities, screening and evaluation designed to locate, identify, and refer as early as possible all young children with disabilities and their families who are in need of Early Intervention Program (Part C) or Preschool Special Education (Part B/619).

The liaison for Texoma Christian School is Kaye Allen.  To initiate the process or simply ask questions contact our liaison to discuss your child’s concerns.

Lavonda Brown, Child Find Coordinator, 903-891-6439; lavbrown@shermanisd.net


Your Child’s Pediatrician

Visiting with your child’s Pediatrician about your concerns will provide you with additional recommendations which could include a referral to a child psychologist for additional testing.


Scottish Rite Hospital

The Scottish Rite Hospital provides free services to children which may include diagnostic testing for learning differences. For more info:   http://www.tsrhc.org/becoming-a-patient.htm



Landmark College:  Summer Programs for students with Learning Differences


Landmark College offers several Summer Programs to assist students with learning differences. We have created special short term summer programs for younger high school students, graduating high school seniors, and colleges around the country.

All the programs are designed to enable students to identify their learning strengths and differences, to learn specific strategies to be successful in formal academic settings, and to give participants the opportunity to make significant changes in an intentional and supportive academic community.

Note: No applicant is required to have a diagnosed learning disability to participate in any Landmark College summer program.



Special Education and Learning Difference Resources

National Center for Learning Disabilities (212) 545-7510 www.nicd.org

Newsletter with helpful articles for parents:  www.understood.org

Coalition of Texans with Disabilities, Inc. (512) 478-3366 www.texasdisabilities.org

Advocacy, Inc. 7800 Shoal Creek Blvd., Austin, TX 78757 (512) 454-4816; www.advocacyinc.orgwww.disabilityrightstx.org

CED-Council for Exceptional Children (888) CEC-DPED www.cec.sped.org



Attention Deficit Disorders Association www.add.org

CHADD-Children and Adults with Attention Disorders (800) 233-4050 www.chadd.org

Speech and Language:

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (800) 638-8255 www.asha.org



Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf, Inc. (202) 377-5220 www.agbell.org

NAD-National Association of the Deaf (301) 587-1788 www.nad.org

American Sign Language Teachers Association www.aslta.org



American Council for the Blind www.acb.org

National Federation of the Blind (410) 659-9314 https://nfb.org/



Autism Society of America (800) 3AUTISM X150 www.autism-society.org