Dear TCS Families,
The Responsive Return Team has developed a plan for re-opening school in the fall. We are excited and cannot wait to regather and have students back on campus. We will be ready to continue to provide your children with a biblically based, Christ-centered, quality education in a loving, caring, nurturing environment. We have worked to provide a set standard of care in the most normal setting as possible for our students and faculty. As of the date of this letter, we plan to operate under Phase 3. Thank you to the parents who responded to the survey sent out a few weeks ago. The overwhelming majority expressed a desire for their children to return to school in the least restrictive environment recognizing the need for additional health protocols and mitigation guidelines to help minimize risk to our students and faculty.
We are not planning to close our campus during the year unless the government mandates a school closure. If we are forced to close, we will transition into a distance-learning program in order to continue continuity of instruction even if students are not physically in school.
The Administration and Responsive Return Team will continue to monitor the constantly changing situation and is prepared to make changes if necessary to ensure the health and safety of our TCS family.
We appreciate your patience and understanding as we continue to navigate this pandemic. Thank you for your confidence and trust in the administration and faculty since the declaration of the pandemic. We value your partnership and look forward to working together as we anticipate an exciting and adventurous upcoming school year.
May we continue to put our hope and trust in our sovereign Lord!
Kindest Regards,
TCS Administration