Our Mission Statement

At Texoma Christian School we dive  into building the Foundation of our schools mission which is developing each student’s God-givens spiritual, intellectual, and physical potential to influence the World for Jesus Christ. Through curriculum and instruction our  students receive  balanced  programs where confidence, talent, friendship, and spiritual growth bloom.

Our academics are designed to challenge  and encourage students with a  full range of offerings including Language Arts, STEM,  Bible and Fine Art Programs.

We believe  education is more than just academics. It’s about building relationships, developing critical thinking skills, and  providing a learning experience that integrates biblical truth and the Christian faith into the various disciplines of our daily curricular and extracurricular programs.

TCS strives uncompromisingly to offer its students a preparatory course of study that, upon successful graduation, will provide them commendably to the future — either for distinguished service in the world of employment — or for prominent achievement in the college or university of their choice.


Opportunities for Spiritual Growth
Pre Kindergarten 3 & 4
  • Bible and Value Lessons- Experience God
  • Weekly Chapel
  • Music
Lower School K-5th
  • Bible Lesson and Values -Abeka, Walking with God and his people Christian Schools International, How majestic is your name, Truth 78
  • Weekly Chapel
  • Music
Middle School 6th-8th
  • Bible Lesson and Values -The History and Mission of God and True Hero, Wheaton Press, Your word is your Truth Desiring God, Teach me your way Desiring God
  • Weekly Chapel
  • Music
High School 9th-12th
  • Bible Lesson and Values -Foundations of Faith 1 and 2, Wheaton Press, Bible 10 The Life of Christ from the Gospel of John Positive Action Publisher Bible II Systematic Theology Zondervan, LEAD and Christ and Culture, Wheaton Press
  • Weekly Chapel
  • Music
  • Worship Team